Name: Mem-ur

Kin: Xixo




You only have the outsider’s kit. However, you can take four pieces of loose gear with you on an expedition, at the end of an interlude can take any other piece of gear from any other bond used by player character in your party and add it to your loose gear list

Outsider’s kit: (Strangely shaped lantern, pack, bedroll, 5 fire stones - hot!, food from home, foreign clothes, local clothes, icon from a distant land, unique weapon or tool, script in a foreign language)

Loose Gear:(,,,),,

Bond Powers:

Gaia Compass - You have a knack for navigation. You always know the distance and direction to the nearest
(I) village
(II) town
(III) settlement
of any kind. you can sense dungeons within a few miles, and get a bad feeling when one is about to surface

Earth Speech- You can speak and understand something unusual, and have normal effect while doing so. Your conversation partners might not speak language, or be particularly eloquent. Pick one per chapter: Animals, Plants, Rocks, Household Objects, Vehicles

Effort: /3

Strain: /5

Second Wind: Regain all effort when you spend a scene trying not to use your unique talents or abilities
Special Ability: You gain +1d to set characters up


/4 /6 /10


/4 /6 /10



Exp: /15

End of Session :
  1. Did you fulfill at least one of your Ideals? 1 xp. Two or more? 2 xp
  2. Was your character challenged or tested, through combat or otherwise? 1 xp. Multiple times? 2 xp
  3. Accomplished an ambition (group or personal) - 1-3 xp
  4. Invoked Burdens at least once - 1 xp

Class: Mendicant

Job: Harvester

Speed/Dash 4/2
Hit Points 40/40
Vitality/Vigor 10/10
Defense/Armor 8/8
Basic attack Range 5.
Light Attack 1d6
Heavy Attack 2d6
Fray 3

Special Mechanic


Certain actions give characters a Blessing token. A character can spend a blessing when making a save to gain +1 boon on that save.


Diaga (1 action): Cure a character in range 4. (A character that’s cured gains 4 vigor, or a vigor surge if they are bloodied. Then, they can immediately save agains all statuses, ending them on a success.)

Bless (1 action): Grant a blessing token to a character in range 4.

Succor: Mendicants may use Rescue to bring up a defeated ally at range 4 instead of adjacent.

Blessing of Rebirth: Yourself and allies can spend 1 blessing when using any ability to grant it pierce and bonus damage. They may spend 3 blessings instead to additionally trigger any slay effects.

Mark of Tsumi: At the end of your turn, deal 2 piercing damage to all foes marked by you, and bless either yourself, or all allies marked by you.

Gardener of Kin: You can stack 2 marks on characters. Foes marked by you take +1 damage from summons.

Balance: All your abilities gain slay: cure yourself or any ally.


Free Action
3 Resolve

A flash of the scythe, and the line between life and death is blurred.

Summon: You slash an adjacent foe with your weapon, knocking their soul out of their body. Draw a line 4 area effect from your foe facing directly away from you and summon the soul in the last available space
The soul lasts until the end of your next turn, or until the affected character is defeated.

Severed Soul Size 1, intangible, immobile Summon effect: While they have their soul knocked out, foes can act normally. However, the soul can be targeted as if it was the body, transferring all damage or effects it would take to the body, no matter the distance or line or sight. Damage becomes divine. Abilities that are able to target both the body and soul of the foe (such as AoEs) can hit both.


1 action, Attack, Range 4 Mark, Pierce, Combo

"You throw out a poison seed that bursts into thorny death."

Attack: Auto hit: fray Effect: Your foe is sealed. Mark: You foe is marked. When marked, and after you attack your marked foe thereafter, bless yourself or an ally in range 3 of your target. Combo: REAP Attack: On hit: [D]+fray. Miss: Fray Effect: Summon a Thrall adjacent to your target. Slay: Repeat the effect Special: You can make this melee attack against the target marked by sow regardless of distance or line of sight. It also gains unerring if made this way.
2 actions, Attack, Arc 6

"You swing with a blade as bright as the new moon."

Attack: On hit: 2[D] + fray Miss: fray Area Effect: Foes take fray damage. Allies are blessed. Slay: Summon a Thrall for each foe in the area, and deal 2 piercing damage again as an area effect to those foes. Talents: I. Allies in the area also gain 2 vigor, or 4 vigor if Harvest’s Slay effect triggers.
1 action, Range 4 Combo, Mark

Leaves shrivel. Hair Curls. Wounds fail to heal.

Mark: Mark a foe in range. While marked, that character cannot be cured, cannot gain or benefit from vigor, and gains +1 curse on saves. If that character is at 25% hp or lower when marked, they also lose defiance. COMBO: REGENERATE

Mark: Mark an ally in range. While marked, that character has regeneration. If that character is at 25% hp or lower when marked, they also gain defiance. Special: This mark can be placed even if Rot is already active.
1 action, stance

"Vine and root coil through the deep soil, bringing forth the restless dead".

Stance: When you enter this stance, or when it refreshes, Summon a thrall in free space in range 2. While in this stance, you have aura 2, with the following effects: • At the end of your turn, you may consume any blessing tokens in the aura to summon one thrall in the aura per blessing consumed. • At the start of your turn, you can prevent up to three thralls in the area from collapsing into plants. Refresh: Refresh this stance once a round when you trigger a slay effect